Embody Our Innate Power as Marginalized Therapists Ethics CEU Training


Presented by Inclusive Therapists Decolonizing Mental Health Series:

1.0 CEU in Ethics Included

Online Video Training presented by Nora Alwah, LPC, Facilitated by Melody Li, LMFT

Subtitles are available.



About The Training

As therapists, we hold an immense amount of responsibility towards our clients. Early on, we often learn that we have to be “professional”, and act in a particular way, which fits the dominant narrative of cis patriarchal White Eurocentric standards. Being responsible is important, yet being integral is essential.

As marginalized beings, we know too well the experience of being deprived of the opportunity to be who we truly are. As BIPOC. As queer folks. As immigrants. As therapists of any oppressed identity. We naturally learn to minimize our value. 

So let us connect to our innate power as marginalized therapists, and recognize the immense work we do.  

When we as marginalized therapists allow ourselves to embody our worth, we are able to cultivate authentic, balanced and ethical therapeutic relationships. From there, we can truly support our clients in healing themselves, and feel into their innate power.  In this process, it is also vital that we are aware of and understand how we engage with our power in order to best support our clients.

In this training, you’ll learn how to reclaim your innate power as marginalized therapists. You will get a basic understanding of the Right Use of Power (developed by Cedar Barstow), learning the difference between personal, role and status power. You’ll uncover how authenticity is our most essential power. Finally, you’ll also learn how to transform microaggressions into ethical therapeutic interventions.



Who This Training is For

This training is designed for mental health and wellness professionals as it includes clinical content. It is also suitable for anyone interested in mental wellness and social justice.



Investment Options

General: $40 per participant

Groups: for group pricing, please contact us with your group size.

Students: for 50% student discount, please contact us using your school email address.

Sponsorships: If you identify as Indigenous, Black, African American/Canadian, Afro/Black Latine/Caribbean, sponsorships are available. Please contact us to apply.

SKU: embody-innate-power Category: Tag:

Product Description

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this training, participants will be able to:

    • Differentiate between the forms of powers from the Right Use of Power (personal, role, status and collective power)
    • Identify innate power (personal power) as therapists/ counselors, as well as our clients’
      • Explain why marginalized folks have developed increased personal power due to lack of status power
    • Explain the ethical use of power, and how under-use and over-use of power can be unethical in therapeutic settings
    • Identify ways to recognize and seek repair when the therapist behaves microaggressively in the therapeutic relationship
      • Explain why seeking repair is an important aspect of upholding an ethical therapeutic practice



About the Presenters

Nora Alwah

Nora Alwah Inclusive Therapists TrainingNora Alwah (she, her) is a queer cis-woman of color, and an immigrant from Denmark and Comoros. Nora is passionate about fiercely challenging systemic oppression and empowering people to reclaim their unapologetic truth and innate power. She is a somatic psychotherapist and coach, a social justice educator, and adjunct faculty at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. 

In her private practice, Nora specializes in working with marginalized populations, including people of color, bilingual individuals, immigrants, queer people, and transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.



Melody Li, LMFT

Melody Li LMFT Mental Health Liberation Inclusive TherapistsMelody Li (they/佢) is a queer therapist of Color, speaker, consultant, and mental health justice activist.

They founded Inclusive Therapists: a social justice-oriented mental health directory & community that celebrates the power and centers the needs of BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+, and marginalized communities.

They also founded Mental Health Liberation, a non-profit bridging Black, Indigenous and People of Color with free, quality therapy and empowering Clinicians of Color.

Melody offers collective care and education focusing on decolonizing mental health and healing racialized trauma.




Presenters are approved to offer CEU trainings in accordance to:

LPC: TX Administrative Code 681.142

LMFT: TX Administrative Code 801.264

LCSW: TX Administrative Code 781.511 (c)

Psychologists: TX Administrative Code 461.11 (b)

Will my board accept the CEUs?

Most but not all mental health professional regulatory boards accept out-of-state (Texas) and/ or online continuing education hours.  CEUs are  not “accredited” by national boards.

Before purchasing, please first check with your state or provincial board for clarification on regulations, and the number of hours that you can earn through online courses.

CEU certificates are non-refundable for any reason.

Refund policy:

Online trainings are non-refundable. Please ask all questions before purchasing.

Additional information