Sponsor Therapists & Learners



Thank you for supporting our movement.

In support of mental health justice, we offer sponsored memberships and free CEU trainings for Indigenous and Black therapists, healers, and learners. 

Is that you?: Please contact us to access these offerings.


Your contribution applies directly towards:

  • Free professional, liberation-oriented trainings for Indigenous and Black therapists and learners
  • Sponsored Memberships for Indigenous and Black healers, therapists and coaches



2 Ways to Donate:

  1. Scroll down (past the box) and Add to Cart in $10 increments. This is the simplest way if you are making other purchases today. We appreciate your generosity.
  2. If you prefer to make a monthly contribution, thank you for your ongoing support! Please choose an amount in the box below.  We appreciate your generosity.

Monthly contributions empower us to create change through decolonial education, collective care, and activism.


1) Make a Monthly Contribution


2) Add in increments of $10 to your cart:


Mental Health Liberation is our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. EIN: 86-3382951